What Makes Us GreatExplore What We Are Doing BetterThe Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons has been a chartered affiliate of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) since 1977. AMOPS MISSION: To provide osteopathic education, practice, and advocacy to the United States Uniformed Services and to those who care for the men and women who defend and have defended our country. The Benefits of MembershipActive members of this Association shall be graduates of colleges of osteopathic medicine accredited by the American Osteopathic Association, members of the American Osteopathic Association, eligible for licensure as osteopathic physicians and/or surgeons, and serving on active duty or in a reserve component, or have retired from active service or a reserve component as an osteopathic physician and surgeon in one of the Uniformed Services of the United States. Active members are entitled to: (a) Vote during general membership meetings. Join Today
AMOPS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025!THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ATTENDED THE AMOPS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025! This years attendance was at 273 attendees, with students from 50 Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. All three branch surgeons general offices were represented with the attendance of LTG Mary K Izaguirre, DO - Surgeon General US Army, Lt Gen John Degoes, MD - Surgeon General US Air Force/Space Force, and RDML Kevin Brown, MD - Commander - Naval Medical Forces - Atlantic. The event ended with the Annual Awards Banquet, where numerous awards were presented:
This year the Conclave of Eagles Inducted 3 new members: MAJ Bradley RImmert, DO - USA COL (ret) Kevin O'Connor, DO - USA BG (ret) Robert Suter, DO - USA
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VIEW A FEW OF THE PRESENTATIONS:Military Match- COM ADVISORS.pdf It’s About the Process. A Quality Undertaking.pdf Touching Little Hearts and Lives with Humanitarian Missions.pdf
NBOME and COMLEX - Education and Advocacy!The NBOME works tirelessly to identify biases, clarify information, and educate on osteopathic distinctiveness and the COMLEX-USA credential. NBOME has joined efforts with fellow osteopathic organizations to increase awareness and acceptance of DO credentials for all students, residents, and physicians. They conduct advocacy efforts through engagement, outreach, and connection, which have yielded very positive outcomes. The record-setting match rate of 91.6 percent for DO graduates during the 2023 NRMP Main Residency Match is a testament to the recognized value of osteopathic distinction in healthcare. The NBOME advocates for a holistic review of applications for undergraduate and graduate medical education programs, and encourages training directors and other recruitment personnel to evaluate all applicants based on their unique experiences, attributes, and competencies. For further information: NBOME - Education and AdvocacyThe CMEcenterVISIT the CMEcenter at: When you utilize the CMEcenter for your continuing medical education, a portion of all fees comes back to AMOPS. As a member affiliate of the Association of State Osteopathic Executive Directors (AOSED), this program allows us to provide valuable education and resources for our members!
Ultrasound Skills Workshop 2025 Registration Form
Know Before you GO! Uniform Guidelines!
Be A Mentor!
AMOPS Member and former White House Physician - Dr Kevin O'ConnorNew Book available!
ORDER TODAY!https://www.jsomonline.org/jsomstorefront/tell-them-yourself---its-not-your-day-to-die